NO WCD less0n in the morning!
so gd so happy!
So leSs0n starts at 1pm!
Woah! Lol.s...
Having Math Less0n at 1pm! for the one hr
learning some stupid and difficult stuffs = =!
after which had IEB for THREE hrS!! LOL.s..
Boring sia = =! but last chapter alreadY! ! =X
i was like coughing the whole day sia...
So cold? so stupid = =!
Then went back home and it was raining!
So i opened the umbrella!
Then i found out that, the stupid umbrella is
so freaking SMall larhx... so mini = =!!
anyway anyone interested to be
POLY 50 HELPER?? 2 CCA points! Lols.
i was almost posted this post at BB blog = =!!!