Today is Saturday!! Haha..
Nothing special.. just that went to BB! ><
Most of the day i spent with the Drill section.
Quite fun in teaching drill i think.. HAha...
The we had First Aid Exams!!
think they all did quite well larhx.. Haha...
After BB, the sec 4s left behind to help out folding Sth..
Then the primers all PS them!
"Walked" to JP and eat lunch in advancE! HEhe...
surprisingly Mr Tay Joined us with the sec 4s! Haha..
AFter lunch.. the actual plan is to play LAn!
Every week actiivity! Dotz..
but due to CS and Wilson's Objections!
We decided go play pool instead!
And miraclely Mr Tay also Joined us! =.=''
Played almost 3hours pool then went back home!
feel so tired now!! Zz... Haiz...