Today is Good Friday!
Wish Everyone has a Good Friday!! HAha...
Wake up early in the morning around 9am!!
Then went to BL Mrt Station to meet Erzi ZhiHong!
But the ah fat YN was late for So Long!! Dotz..
NVM.. Lets forgive him!! ==
AFter which we went to the KFC in Front of CHC!
Haha... had our lunch there!!
Then of cuz the next is to have Easter Service!! ><
Met some new friends!! HAha...
Then after the sErvice we went to JP to eat LongJohnSilver!!
Arhx... == So Full... Y.Y
Soon we went to walk around at JP lor =.=''!
& i kept disiao ZH with Eileen oh! XD
今天还不错哦。。。 哈哈。。。
大家玩得都很开心!! XD
还有哦! 我发现今天一直都跟ZH黏在一起!!
好亲密的父子哦 =.="!! Haha...
还有哦。。。 那个新认识的“白色会老大”被我耍的好开心啊!
I said no Evil! I See no Evil!
& U heard No Evil!! XD